Introduction to the Databases of Prices, Wages and Transport Costs in Shanxi Province in the Qianlong Reign

This database of prices, wages, and transport costs in public construction in Shanxi province in the Qianlong reign has been set up in cooperation of the Seminar für Sinologie und Koreanistik, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany, and the Institute for History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. The participants of the project group were Chen Chaoyong and Su Rongyu from Beijing, and Christine Moll-Murata and Hans Ulrich Vogel from Tübingen. The project was supported by the Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., Germany.

Data input was done by Zhang Songmei. Christine Moll-Murata, Chen Chaoyong, and Liu Qiang helped with translations. Our thanks go to Liu Qiang from the Institute for History of Science and Technology & Ancient Documents, Tsinghua University, Beijing, who proof-read all data. The database has more than 5,300 entries. In case English terms for building materials remain to be clarified, a transcription in Hanyu pinyin is given as a preliminary rendering.

For this database, we used the Shanxi edition of “Regulations and precedents on prices of materials” in the holdings of the Collège de France (Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, Bibliothèques d'Extrême-Orient), Paris. It is an official printing in sixteen chapters which carries the same editorial material as the Gansu, Zhili, and Yunnan editions. The second prefatory memorial gives the date 20th day of the XIIth month of Qianlong 33 (Jan. 27, 1769). This work covers ten prefectures, ten independent subprefectures (zhili zhou), five ordinary subprefectures (zhou), two intermediary subprefectures (ting) and 85 districts. Unlike the other editions, the chapters are paginated separately for each district.


本《物料價值則例》數據庫是在德國學術基金會 (DFG)和馬普基金的資助下,由德國圖賓根大學漢學系和中國科學院自然科學史研究所合作製作。


本數據庫根據巴黎法蘭西學院高等漢學研究所圖書館所藏官刊本製作。全書計十六卷,包括山西省10個府、10個直隸州,共5個州、2個廳、85個縣的物料價 值、工價和運價。列於卷首之奏摺、總略、凡例,與其它省份《物料價值則例》幾近相同。唯該書各縣分別計頁,與其它省份不同。

Chapters (Excel 2000 spreadsheets):