Jean Monnet SPEAC  

JEAN MONNET NETWORK on Strategies for Promoting Europe-Asia Connectivity (SPEAC)

A European-Asian Research Network on Strategies for Promoting Europe-Asia Connectivity (SPEAC), of which Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) is a member, has been greenlighted by the EU to promote Europe-Asia research network on strategies for promoting Europe-Asia Connectivity.

SPEAC Project
Partner Organizations

• Korea University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of)
• EU Center in Singapore Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
• Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
• Uppsala University, Sweden
• Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland

Team Members

• Prof. Sunghoon Park, Korea University, Project Leader Academic Coordinator
• Prof. Jae-seung Lee, Korea University, Project Manager, researcher
• Dr. Lay Hwee Yeo, EU Centre in Singapore, Consortium Coordinator
• Prof. Sebastian Bersick, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Consortium Coordinator
• Ms. Mireia Paulo Noguera, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Researcher (Associate)
• Prof. Anna Michalski, Uppsala University, Consortium Coordinator
• Prof. Charles Parker, Uppsala University, Researcher (Associate)
• Prof. Pawel Pasierbiak, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Consortium Coordinator
• Prof. Tomasz Bialowa, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Researcher (Associate)

Project aim

In a three-year project, the SPEAC project aims to develop a research network on assessing the Europe-Asia Connectivity. The project will focus on assessing three aspects of this strategy: economic/trade, political/security, and people-to-people/rule of law. Throughout this network, this project will explore this initiative’s contextualization, challenges and opportunities. Outcomes of this project are expected to contribute to EU-related International Relations and Policy Studies at an international level to a certain extent.
For more information, please visit the website of the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence at Korea University.

Kick-off in November 2019
The project’s official launch took place in 18 November 2019. Members of the University coordinator of SPEAC project, Korea University, met with EACEA’s officials to discuss the project and clarify all details for a smoothly run.
On December 18-19th, 2019, the entire project team member met in Seoul to discuss all the activities implementation details and coordinate research work. The SPEAC project is a very ambitious project. Team members are very pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate together and jointly launch the project.
From 2020 onwards, Europe-Asia scholars, young researches, students, practitioners, and external collaborators will be given the opportunity to take part in this three-year project. 

Read more information about the Erasmus+ Programme here.