
Publikationen (Auswahl)


  • Bersick, Sebastian (2023) "Chinese Involvement in North European Seaports: The cases of Belgium and Germany", in: Blanchard, Jean-Marc (ed.) (2023), Chinese overseas ports in Europe and the Americans: Understanding Smooth and Turbulent Seas, Routledge, forthcoming. 


  • Bersick, Sebastian (2021) "EU-Asia Relations in Times of Covid-19", in: Luther, Susanne (ed.) (2021), Asia Fighting Covid-19. A special edition with 9 selected country cases, Argumente und Materialien der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Nr. 27, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, pp. 123-131, available online.


  • Bersick, Sebastian; Schwerbrock, Julia (2018): "The political context: ASEM - (more than?) a forum of dialogue between Asia and Europe", in: Angress, Alexandra; Wuttig, Siegbert (eds.), ASEM Education Process - Looking back, looking ahead, forthcoming.


  • Bersick, Sebastian (2017): "Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM)", in: Staatslexikon Bd. 8, pp. 1324-1326.
  • Traversing the Challenges: Political, Economic, and Environmental Dimensions of Maritime and Regional Security, Manila: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. (co-edited with Benedikt Seemann) (PDF)
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: "China's Role in Global Transition Processes to Sustainability - A Role Theoretical Approach", in: ASIEN 143: pp. 5-24, Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde.
  • Bersick, Sebastian; Solmecke, Ulrike: "From Hangzhou to Hamburg: old partners and new thinking", Conference on: The G20 and Global Economic Governance, May 13 2017, Shanghai: School of International Relations & Public Affairs Fudan University.
  • Bersick, Sebastian; Tang, Shiping: "Can the EU and China act together?", in: Europe's World: Future Europe, Global Europe, June 23 2017, available online.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: China’s International Roles. Challenging or Supporting International Order? (co-edited with Sebastian Harnisch/Jörn-Carsten Gottwald), Routledge, New York, 2016 (263 pages).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „China and the EU: Trade and national role conceptions”, in: Harnisch, Sebastian/Bersick, Sebastian/Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten (eds.) (2016), China’s International Roles. Challenging or Supporting International Order?, Routledge, New York, pp. 226-245.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „China´s role evolution: domestic imperatives and foreign expectations”(co-authored with Sebastian Harnisch/Jörn-Carsten Gottwald), in: Harnisch, Sebastian/Bersick, Sebastian/Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten (eds.) (2016), China’s International Roles. Challenging or Supporting International Order?, Routledge, New York, pp. 226-245.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Cybersecurity and EU-China Relations” (co-authored with George Christou/Yi Shen), in: Kirchner, Emil/Christiansen, Thomas/Dorussen, Han (eds.) (2016), Security Relations between China and the European Union. From Convergence to Cooperation?, Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-186.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Maritime Security in Southeast Asia and its Impact on Regional Integration”, in: Seemann, Benedikt/De Jesus, Marie Antoinette (eds.) (2016), A Quest for Regional Solutions. Challenges and Prospects for Conflicts in the South China Sea, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Philippines, pp. 9-14.
  • Schnelle, Diana/Szczepanska, Kamila (2016), "Japan’s National Role Conception and its Perceptions of China in the Region and World: The View of Prime Minister Abe Shinzō’s Administration", ASIEN 141 (4), pp. 32-51.
  • Solmecke, Urike (2016), „Multinational Enterprises and the 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative: Sustainable Development and Innovation in a Post-Crisis Global Environment", The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies 34 (2), Copenhagen, Asia Research Centre, pp. 9-27.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The EU´s Bilateral Relations with China”, in: Joergensen, Knud Erik et al. (eds.) (2015), Handbook of European Foreign Policy, Sage Publications, pp. 615-633.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „European Perceptions of Asian Regionalism: The Role of Multilateralism in Europe’s Image of Asia”, in: Holland, Martin/Chaban, Natalia (eds.) (2015), „Europe and Asia: Perceptions from Afar“, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The Domestic Sources of China’s New Role in Reforming Global Capitalism”, in: International Politics, Special Issue on China’s Foreign Economic Policies (co-authored with Jörn-Carsten Gottwald), Forthcoming 2015.
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: „Postwachstumsgesellschaft als Voraussetzung zur Lösung globaler Probleme“, Vortrag am 18.05.2015, Sozialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium „Globale Herausforderungen“, Bergische Universität Wuppertal



  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEAN, APEC und China”, in: Braml, Josef/Merkel, Wolfgang/Sandschneider, Eberhard (eds.) (2014), Außenpolitik mit Autokratien, Jahrbuch Internationale Politik Band 30, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 340-347.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Von wegen Zivilmacht: 10 Jahre Strategische Partnerschaft der Europäischen Union und der Volksrepublik China“, in: Integration, 36 (4), 2014, pp. 291-306, (co-authored with Jörn-Carsten Gottwald).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: Dix ans de partenariat stratégique de l’UE avec la Chine, in: L’Europe en formation, Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism, no. 370 (2014), pp. 27-46 (co-authored with Jörn-Carsten Gottwald).
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: „Tourismus zwischen grüner Wirtschaft und Postwachstumsökonomie: Die Reiseindustrie als Instrument einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung in China“, Vortrag am 09.04.2014, GATE/Stiftung Asienhaus Köln.
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: „Enttäuschte Erwartungen: ‚Ökotourismus‘ im chinesischen Naturschutzgebiet Nankunshan“, Tourismwatch, 76, September 2014.
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: Nachhaltigkeit im interkulturellen Kontext – Theoretische Überlegungen und praktische Implikationen am Beispiel des Tourismus in der VR China, 2014, Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Europe’s Role in Asia: Distant but Involved”, in: Shambaugh, David/Yahuda, Michael (eds.) (2013), International Relations in Asia: The New Regional System, Landham: Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. Revised and updated 2nd edition, pp. 115-144.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „China’s Strategic Development in the Asia-Pacific: Challenges and Prospects”, in: Huldt, Bo/Ries, Tomas/Sivonen, Pekka/Huldt, Camilla (eds.) (2013), Strategic Yearbook 2012, National Defence College, Stockholm, pp. 71-90 (co-authored with Niall Duggan).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Focused Leadership: China’s New Role in Global Economic Governance“, in: ASIEN, No. 128, July 2013, Special Issue, ed. by Bersick, Sebastian/Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten on „East Asia's Role in the New Global Economic Governance“, pp. 45-62 (co-authored with Jörn-Carsten Gottwald).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Die ASEAN in Deutschlands Wahrnehmung”, in: Südostasien, no.3/2013, pp. 12-15 (co-authored with Tanja Bauer).
  • Solmecke, Ulrike: „Grünes Wachstum in China: Der Tourismus als einfacher Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit?“ Köln: Asienhaus-Hintergrundinformationen, 2/2013, S. 1-9.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Asia in the Eyes of Europe. Images of a Rising Giant”, Sebastian Bersick et al. (eds.), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2012 (316 pages).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEAN, EAS, APEC – regionale Zusammenarbeit im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum“, in: Braml, Josef/Mair, Stefan/Sandschneider, Eberhard (eds.) (2012), Außenpolitik in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise, Oldenbourg: München, pp. 292-298.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: Kissinger, Henry „On China“, in: Backes, Uwe/Gallus, Alexander/Jesse, Eckhard (eds.) (2012), Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie, Nomos, pp. 198-201.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Re-engaging Europe with Asia”, Final Conference Report, Europe-Asia Policy Forum, International Institute for Asian Studies, Amsterdam and The Hague, 2012.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The Asia-Europe Meeting: Contributions to a New Global Governance Architecture. The Eighth ASEM Summit in Brussels (2010)”, Amsterdam University Press, 2011 (264 pages), (co-edited with Paul van der Velde).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Perception and ASEM Visibility in the European Media”, in: Bersick, Sebastian/van der Velde, Paul (eds.) (2011), “The Asia-Europe Meeting: Contributions to a New Global Governance Architecture. The Eighth ASEM Summit in Brussels (2010), Amsterdam University Press, pp. 71-83 (co-authored with Tanja Bauer).


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Asia in the Eyes of Europe”, in: Asia Europe Journal, no. 261/2010, Special Issue on the occasion of ASEM 8, pp. 78-88.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: Yeo, Lay Hwee/ Hofmeister, Wilhelm (eds.), The Asia-Europe Meeting. Engagement, enlargement and expectations, in: Asia Europe Journal, no. 8/2010, pp. 441-442.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „How should the EU package itself for Asia?”, Policy Brief, Europe-Asia Policy Forum,, 2010.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Relaciones exteriores de la Unión Europea con Asia en 2008” („European Union’s external relations towards Asia and the Pacific during 2008”), in: Asia Pacific Yearbook 2009, Centre for International Relations and Development Studies (ed.) (2009), Barcelona/Madrid, pp. 135-141.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Die EU und Ostasien“ (The EU and East Asia), in: Kramer, Heinz/Bendiek, Annegret (eds.) (2009): „Die Außenpolitik der Europäischen Union: Zwischen interregionalem Dialog und strategischer Partnerschaft“, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 94-111.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Relaciones exteriores de la Unión Europea con Asia en 2008” („European Union’s external relations towards Asia and the Pacific during 2008”), in: Asia Pacific Yearbook 2009, Centre for International Relations and Development Studies (ed.) (2009), Barcelona/Madrid, pp. 135-141.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Die EU und Ostasien“ (The EU and East Asia), in: Kramer, Heinz/Bendiek, Annegret (eds.) (2009): „Die Außenpolitik der Europäischen Union: Zwischen interregionalem Dialog und strategischer Partnerschaft“, Nomos, Baden-Baden, pp. 94-111.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Die Rolle der EU in der Sicherheitsarchitektur Ostasiens” (The EU’s Role in East Asia’s Security Architecture), SWP-Working Paper,, Berlin (35 pages), 2009.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Europe in Asia”, in: Shambaugh, David/Yahuda, Michael (eds.) (2008), International Relations in Asia: The New Regional System, Landham: Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 104-123.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The democratization of inter- and transregional dialogues: the role of civil society, NGOs and parliaments”, in: Rüland, Jürgen et al. (eds.) (2008), Asian-Europe Relations. Building blocks for global governance? Routledge: Oxon, pp. 244-269.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2008 in Taiwan: innenpolitische und außenpolitische Implikationen“, Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft (ed.), Berlin (19 pages), 2008.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Compass 2020: Southeast Asia. The Future of German Foreign Relations”, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, (co-authored with Paul Pasch), 2008.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Great Expectations for Cross Strait Relations“, SWP Comments 2008/C 06, 4 pages (co-authored with Gudrun Wacker).


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The Impact of European and Chinese Soft Power on Regional and Global Governance”, in: Kerr, David/Liu, Fei (eds.) (2007), „The International Politics of EU-China Relations”, British Academy, London, pp. 216-230.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Strengthening Regional and Inter-regional Cooperation in Responding to Rising Extremism and Resurging Nationalism”, in: Panorama: Insights into East Asian and European Affairs, 2/2007, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore, pp. 63-80 (co-authored with Geest, Willem van der/Yeo, Lay Hwee).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Interregional Cooperation Beyond ASEM@10: Responding to Rising Extremism and Resurging Nationalism”, in: Panorama: Insights into East Asian and European Affairs, 1/2007, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore, pp. 63-74.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Im Krebsgang nach vorn: Die ASEAN hat sich eine Charta gegeben”, SWP-Aktuell 2007/A 65, 4 pages (co-authored with Felix Heiduk).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: “Celebration under a cloud. Myanmar's junta: a potential embarrassment for EU and ASEAN at their upcoming landmark summit”, in: Asia Pacific Times,, 2007.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Kompass 2020 Deutschland in den internationalen Beziehungen – Ziele, Instrumente, Perspektiven, Zur Zukunft der deutschen Aussenbeziehungen: Südostasien, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin (co-authored with Paul Pasch), 2007.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Retrospect, Prospects and Suggestions for Asia-Europe Cooperation: A Retrospect of the 2006 ASEM Summit and Vision and Suggestions for the 2008 Asia-Europe Cooperation”, in: Hofmann, Katharina/Meyer, Katja (eds.), „Current Situation and Future Prospects of Asia-Europe Security Cooperation”, Shanghai Institute for International Studies and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Shanghai, pp. 23-35, 2007.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Cornerstone for Strategic Partnership. EU-ASEAN Cooperation”, in: Deutschland Forum on Politics, Culture and Business, No. 3, pp. 32-33, 2007.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Prospects of East Asian Cooperation: Internal and External Implications of East Asian Soft Power Politics”, in: Jung, Winfried/Yan, Jiangfeng (eds.) Regional Cooperation: Experience in Europe and Practice in East Asia, China Institute for International Strategic Studies (CIISS) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Beijing, pp. 85-101, 2007.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Multiregionalism and Multilateralism: Asian-European Relations in a Global Context”, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2006 (240 pages), (co-edited with Wim Stockhof/Paul van der Velde).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „EU-ASEM relations: democratization of interregional dialogue and the role of civil society“. In: Carbone, Maurizio/Lister, Marjorie (eds.) (2006), „New pathways in international development: gender and civil Society in EU policy“. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 187-196.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „欧盟与中国的软实力对地区和全球治理的影响” („The Impact of European and Chinese Soft Power Politics on Regional and Global Governance”), in: 外交评论 (Foreign Affairs Review), No. 6/2006, pp. 12-25.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Making Euro-Asian Soft Power in the 21st Century: Concepts, Constraints and Consequences”, in: Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Eropa (Journal of European Studies), Vol. 2, No. 3/2006, Universitas Indonesia, pp. 109-121.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Strategic considerations in the US-China relationship and the role of European soft power”, in: Asia Europe Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2/2006, pp. 251-164.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Informal Meeting with a Great Impact: Ten Years of ASEM”, in: Deutschland Forum on Politics, Culture and Business, E4, No. 6, pp. 32-33, 2006.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Mongolia: From Chinggis Khaan to ASEM”, Proceedings of an academic seminar, co-organized by the European Commission and The Mission of Mongolia to the European Union, 23 November at the European Institute for Asian Studies, European Commission (37 pages), 2006.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The external dimension of the EU’s area of freedom, security and justice in relation to China, India and Afghanistan”, Briefing Paper prepared for The European Parliament, Directorate General for External Policies of the Union (co-authored John Quigley/Signe Bruun-Jensen), 2006.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The EU’s Security Interests in East Asia“ in: EurAsia Bulletin, European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, Vol. 9, pp. 9-12, 2005.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Strategic Considerations in the US-China Relationship: A Role for European Soft Power?“ In: Geest, Willem van der (ed.) (2005), The European Union’s Strategic Interests in East Asia, EIAS. Study for the European Commission, Brussels, pp. 85-96.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Security and Political Recommendations for The European Union”, in: Geest, Willem van der (ed.) (2005), The European Union’s Strategic Interests in East Asia, EIAS. Study for the European Commission, Brussels, pp. 61-66 (co-authored with Zhang Wei-Wei).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Regional cooperation and EU-Asia relations, in: EurAsia Bulletin, European Institute for Asian Studies, Vol. 9, p. 27, 2005.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The EU Constitutional Treaty and its Impact on the Politics of Interregional Relations: Strengthening Europe’s Role in Asia”. In: Proceedings of the „Symposium on EU Constitution Treaty and EU’s Global Role“, National Chengchi University, Taibei, pp. 36-47, 2005.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „EU arms embargo: A role for the United States?“ In: EurAsia Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 1&2 January-February 2005, p. 11.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Auf dem Weg in eine neue Weltordnung? Zur Politik der interregionalen Beziehungen: Das Beispiel des ASEM-Prozesses.“ Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2004 (273 pages).
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Strengthening Multilateralism: The Impact of the ASEM process on Sino-European Cooperation, in: Stockhof, Wim/Velde, Paul van der (eds.) (2004), The Eurasian Space, Amsterdam University Press, Singapore and Leiden, pp. 138-154.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „How to upgrade the Sino-European Strategic Partnership: The Impact of the Politics of Interregional Relations on Sino-European Cooperation“. In: Xiong, Guangkai (ed.) (2004): „Sino-US-European Relations in the New Century: Opportunities and Challenges“, China Institute for International Strategic Studies, Beijing, pp. 120-144.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Multipolarität gestalten: China’s Rolle im ASEM-Prozess“, in: Internationale Politik, Nr. 9, 59. Jahr/2004, pp. 30-36.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Between Hegemony and Multilateralism: The ASEM policy of the PR China“, in: Südostasien, 20/1, pp. 21-24, 2004.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM and the legislator: ASEP in Helsinki”, in: EurAsia Bulletin, European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, Vol. 10, pp. 10-11, 2004.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM-Dialog und die Zukunft der Beschäftigung“, in; Asienhaus-Rundbrief 12/2004,, 2004.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Sino-US-European Relations in the New Century“, in: Asien (German Association for Asian Studies), Nr. 92, Juli 2004, pp. 100-103.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Europa, Asien und die Zukunft der Beschäftigung“,, 2004.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „The ASEM Regime and its participants‘ interests“, in: Transnational Institute (ed.), Asia Europe Crosspoints, Amsterdam (16 pages), 2002.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM in an evolving post-9/11 world order“, in: Newsletter International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, p. 50, 2002.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM and the New EU Asia Strategy. Towards a post-September World Order?“. In: Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies, Nr. 2, Copenhagen, pp. 20-23, 2002.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „A functional analysis of multilateral regimes – the role of civil society in the ASEM process“, in: Dialogue and Cooperation, 03/2003, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Singapore, pp. 23-31.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Das Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): Akteure und Interessenlagen“, in: KAS/Auslandsinformationen, 12/2003, pp. 41-65.
  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Deutsche Asienpolitik auf dem Prüfstand“, in: Kommunikation Global, Deutsche Asienpolitik. Multidimensional oder akademisch?, February 2003, pp. 12-16.


  • Bersick, Sebastian: „Menschenrechte im ASEM-Prozeß. Die Rolle von Menschenrechts-NGOs.“, in: Koreaforum, X, 1/2000, pp. 35-38.


  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM 2000. Das dritte Asia-Europe Meeting in Seoul und die Rolle von Nichtregierungsorganisationen“, in: Koreaforum, IX, 2/1999, pp. 31-35.
  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM: Defizite und Perspektiven europäisch-asiatischer Kooperation“, in: Südostasien, Europäisch-asiatische Beziehungen: Von der Kolonialzeit bis zur Globalisierung, 15/1, 1999, pp. 4-6.
  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM: Weniger ist mehr. Ein Ausblick auf das Außenministertreffen Ende März“, in: Asia Bridge, March 1999, p. 6.
  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „Die europäisch-asiatischen Beziehungen am Beispiel des ASEM-Prozesses: Die Erweiterung des interregionalen Beziehungsmusters zwischen den Staaten der Europäischen Union und Teilen Asiens“. In: Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien (ed.) (1999), Asienkrise, Demokratie, Nationalismus. Neue Wechselwirkungen zwischen Politik und ökonomie in Ostasien. Beiträge zur ersten Nachwuchstagung Ostasien, pp. 79-84.


  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „ASEM: Eine neue Qualität der Kooperation zwischen Europa und Asien.“ Berliner Studien zur Internationalen Politik, Münster, 1998 (128 pages).


  •  Bersick, Sebastian: „Risikofaktor China“, in: antimilitarismus information (ami): Ostasien: Militarisierung und Demokratisierung, 25/10, 1995, pp. 45-54.