Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC)  

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at RUB on EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC)


The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) promotes joint research activities in the research field of EU Studies and EU-Asia relations, with particular attention to the role of connectivity. Within our network, we pool expertise from Europe, Asia, and beyond. The Centre provides an interdisciplinary, multicultural, and cross-generational platform for junior and senior researchers alike. 

Research activities contribute to a differentiated and more strategic understanding of the EU´s role in a globalised world, as well as the factors that strengthen and inhibit it. Our research adds to existing academic literature and also provides policy-relevant recommendations. 


  • Providing students, junior researchers, and the academic community with theoretical, conceptual, and empirical content.
  • Promoting cross-generational research and engaging in a diverse and multicultural work environment.
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary and comparative research activities.
  • Fostering dialogue between academia and broader society.
  • Establishing regional and international networks.
  • Publishing and disseminating research findings through various online and offline communication channels.


Digital Connectivity

The Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC) is the first Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). We are proud of our ability to attract external funding. CEAC´s researchers are engaged in a number of different research projects and activities. Several projects are initiated jointly by researchers with common research interests. In the years ahead, the Centre of Excellence will create channels and platforms of exchange and development on a high-quality level. 

Please find more information on the website of the Centre of Excellence for EU-Asia Connectivity (CEAC).

Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity
Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity

About CEAC

The Centre of Excellence involved ambitious purposes to contribute to EU-Asia affairs. Its mission and general objectives formulate the essence of the Centre´s pathway to the future.

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Adding value to excellence in research and dissemination of findings, CEAC´s team is multicultural, interdisciplinary, and cross-generational.

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CEAC promotes joint-research activities within our network, pooling expertise from Europe, Asia, Central Asia, and beyond. Different research approaches from various backgrounds enrich the Centre´s projects.

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Within the framework of CEAC, teaching will be a central part. Aspects such as regional integration in Europe and Asia, bilateral and multilateral relations between the EU, and actors in the Asian region will be part of the agenda.

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