Final exams & dissertations  

Final Exams & Dissertations

Since establishing the Chair of International Political Economy of East Asia at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bersick has supervised numerous theses and dissertations. You will find a list of the theses below. We always strive for completeness, but cannot give any final guarantee for it. In case of questions, please contact 

  • Kim, MinjeeMulti-level Governance between the European Union (EU) and Germany: the Case of the Indo-Pacific
  • Köllner, Daniel - International Trade and Sectoral Income Equality in East Asia: Role Theoretical  Comparative Analysis of Regional, Interregional and Global Trade Pattern
  • Li, Yuqiao The European Union´s Role in the Foreign Policy of the People´s Republic of China: the case of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
  • Mai, Duong Thi ThuyChina´s Changing Policies in Global Climate Governance and the Role of the European Union (EU)
  • Paulo Noguera, MireiaComparative Study of the European Union's and the People's Republic of China's role on Data Governance
  • Rust, Johanna Gunthild Brigida - Security as a Changing Parameter in Foreign Energy Security Policy and the Implementation: The Case of the European Union (EU) and People´s Republic of China in Central Asia
  • Schnelle, DianaJapan´s State- and Marketcraft in Domestic and International Energy Relations
  • Schwerbrock, JuliaCompeting for Power - A Comparative Study of the EU´s and China´s Foreign Policy Approaches towards Tanzania
M.A. Theses