M.A. International Political Economy of East Asia (IPEEA)

With a theory-based, contemporary, and practice-oriented range of courses, the Master of Arts programme in the subject International Political Economy of East Asia (IPEEA) is a programme offered by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. In total, three of the university’s faculties –the Faculties VII (Economics), VIII (Social Science), IX (East Asian Studies)– and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) of the University of Duisburg-Essen have joined forces to guarantee professional education at the highest level within the range of areas covered by this unique programme.

The increasing importance of East Asia in the world economy and politics in the 21st century increases the demand for East Asian skills at all levels in research institutions, public administration, international organisations, private sector, and non-profit organisations. The M.A. IPEEA helps to meet this demand by qualifying students with a modern Master's degree for demanding tasks in or in relation to East Asia. It strives to provide skills to perform in a multidisciplinary and multinational environment.

Start of studies: Preferably in the winter semester

Application: free of admission; via Ruhr-University online application

Language of instruction: English and German

Detailed Information: see Module Handbook


Studiengänge More information at RUB: degree programmes.

Masterstudiengang-Vorstellungsvideo A promotional video about the master programme can be found here.

Austauschprogramme Playlist for Student Exchange Programmes: here.

Modulhandbuch Module handbook: here.

M.A. IPEEA Checklist: here.

Bewerbungsinformationen Information about the application process: here.

M.A. IPEEA - Richtlinien für eCampus M.A. IPEEA Guidelines for eCampus can be found here.

Amtliche Bekanntmachung 2020 here.

Weitere wichtige Informationen und Dokumente erhalten Sie beim Prüfungsamt OAW Other important information and documents are available at the examiner's office: Prüfungsamt OAW

Studienberatung erreichen Sie unter Student Advisor contact:

Das M.A.-Fach International Political Economy of East Asia kann nur im Ein-Fach-Modell studiert werden, der Studiengang baut im Wesentlichen auf den Inhalten des Bachelor-Studiengangs Wirtschaft und Politik Ostasiens auf. Er ist einer von wenigen Studiengängen in Europa, die ein vertiefendes Aufbaustudium zu aktuellen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Themen und Problemen der Region Ostasien (China, Japan und Korea) anbietet. Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt vier Semester.


  • Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Ostasiens
  • Regierungen und Institutionen in Ostasien
  • Politische Kultur und Geschichte Ostasiens
  • Regionalisierung und Internationalisierung
  • Ostasien und Global Economic Governance
  • Politische Ökonomie Ostasiens