New Publications



Several new publications by Professor Gottwald have been published recently.

An article by Professor Gottwald on “The next German government’s China policy” was published in the MERICS Forum:

In addition, two AREA Ruhr Working Papers were published at the end of last year, in which Professor Gottwald was involved as co-author: “China's Innovation Drive: A Review of the Systems of Innovation Literature” (Hofmann, Karolin / Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten / Taube, Markus / Hofmann, Anja) and “Party-State Dominated Economic Governance: The Politics of Regulation in China’s Steel- and Fintech-Sectors” (Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten / Taube, Markus) See:

Furthermore, in the “Routledge Handbook on Global China”, a joint book chapter was published with Niall Duggan, UCC ( and, together with Steffi Weil and Markus Taube, an article on “The European Union. Taiwan, and the Silicon Shield argument: a conceptual assessment through the lens of grand theories” (


Several new publications by Professor Gottwald have been published recently.

An article by Professor Gottwald on “The next German government’s China policy” was published in the MERICS Forum:

In addition, two AREA Ruhr Working Papers were published at the end of last year, in which Professor Gottwald was involved as co-author: “China's Innovation Drive: A Review of the Systems of Innovation Literature” (Hofmann, Karolin / Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten / Taube, Markus / Hofmann, Anja) and “Party-State Dominated Economic Governance: The Politics of Regulation in China’s Steel- and Fintech-Sectors” (Gottwald, Jörn-Carsten / Taube, Markus) See:

Furthermore, in the “Routledge Handbook on Global China”, a joint book chapter was published with Niall Duggan, UCC ( and, together with Steffi Weil and Markus Taube, an article on “The European Union. Taiwan, and the Silicon Shield argument: a conceptual assessment through the lens of grand theories” (