Study programmes  

Studienprogramme & Dokumente

Dear students. 

Welcome to the Chair of International Political Economy of East Asia. Here you will find basic information on our degree programmes. The Bachelor's programme "Economics and Politics of East Asia (WPOA)" and the Master's programme "International Political Economy of East Asia (IPEEA)" are offered jointly by the chairs of Politics of East Asia (POA) and International Political Economy of East Asia (IPEA).

When you choose the Faculty of East Asian Studies, you are choosing to broaden your personal and academic horizons. You will find at the faculty an inspiring and international community of students, researchers, and academic staff, particularly from Europe and Asia.

We want our graduates to become academic professionals and engaged global citizens who contribute to solutions for the challenges facing our society. This calls for teaching that is strongly research-driven.

The Faculty of East Asian Studies was founded in 1965 with the objective of giving new impetus to research and teaching in the field. The Faculty’s study programmes are designed to enable students to address the region comprehensively and across academic disciplines, such as political science, international political economy, area studies, history, linguistics, religion, and sociology. The students gain expert knowledge on the historical and contemporary phenomena in East Asia. The focus of both research and teaching is on China, Japan, and Korea.

Please, do not hesitate and contact our student advisors!

In diesem Studiengang geht es um die politischen und ökonomischen Fragen sowie Zusammenhänge in den Ländern und Regionen Ostasiens. Es werden z.B. Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den Ländern Ostasiens adressiert. Oder Welche Faktoren zum Aufstieg Ostasiens als politisch und ökonomisch bedeutende Region beigetragen haben. Auch der internationale Zusammenhang ist zentral und somit die Frage nach der Rolle Ostasiens in der globalen Governance usw. Unterrichtssprache ist Deutsch und Englisch - fließend Deutsch ist Voraussetzung, gute Englischkenntnisse von Vorteil. 


Weitere Informationen

Zum beispielhaften Studienverlaufsplan, klicken Sie bitte hier.

Das Modulhandbuch finden Sie hier.

B.A. und M.A. - 2010 Amtl. Bekanntmachung 2.Satzung

Alle weiteren wichtigen Unterlagen finden Sie beim Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften: Prüfungsamt OAW

The Master's programme IPEEA essentially builds on the contents of the Bachelor's programme WPOA. It is one of a few degree programmes in Europe providing a postgraduate course focusing on current political and economic issues and problems in the East Asian regions (China, Japan and Korea).

It provides the opportunity to specialise in the following fields
  • Foreign & Security Policy of East Asia
  • Governments and institutions of East Asia
  • Political culture and history of East Asia
  • Regionalisation and internationalisation
  • East Asia and Global Economic Governance
  • Political economics of East Asia

More information at RUB: degree programmes.

Student counselling (necessary):

The Modulhandbuch (module handbook) can be found here.

The M.A. Checklist can be found here.

Information about the application can be found here.

The M.A. Guidelines for eCampus can be found here.

The Amtliche Bekanntmachung 2020 can be found here.

Other important information and documents are available at the examiner's office: Prüfungsamt OAW