News archive 2023

2023/07/14: China Goes Global Conference

The 17th edition of China Goes Global Conference took place from July 11-13, 2023 in Bologna, Italy. Professor Dr. Sebastian Bersick participated in this high-level interdisciplinary event. 

2023/07/03: Partnership Central Asia

With signing a protocol in June 2021, the Department IPEA, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, and Westminster International University in Tashkent have established common ground for joint initiatives and forthcoming collaborations. 

2023/06/15: AESCON

Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference (AESCON), third edition, took place on June 14-15, 2023, as an online conference. Mrs. Mireia Paulo participated with a contribution about cross-border data flows. 

2023/06/07: Study WPOA!

Wirtschaft & Politik Ostasiens - ein Studiengang der sich einer immer wichtiger werdenden Region widmet. Wirtschaftliches Verständnis, politisches Nachvollziehen und sprachlich-kulturelle Fähigkeiten sind Pfeiler des Studiums. 

2023/05/08: #EUIA23

The department IPEA participated at the European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) Conference in Brussels. Discussing internal and external dimension of the EU´s engagement and future challenges. 

2023/03/29: Digital Dialogue 2023

On March 24th, 2023, Ms. Mireia Paulo participated in the China-Europe Track II Digital Dialogue Plan held in a hybrid format. 

2023/03/19: Jean Monnet Lecture

In the lecture, Prof. Hashim will discuss Asia-Europe connectivity in the area of higher education in the context of the ASEM Education Process (AEP).

Date: 04 April 2023

Time: 10:00-11:00 A.M. CET

For registration, please click (then go to registration).

2023/02/10: Internship at IPEA

In the next round, we invite students to become part of our team as an intern. Within the Centre for EU-Asia Connectivity, you gain insights, new perspectives, and co-working experience.

Deadline: March 21, 2023

Interviews: March 28/29, 2023

2023/01/25: JMC Lecture

On behalf of the Jean Monnet Chair CEAPP you are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming lecture. Speaker: Dr. Jovan Kurbalija.

Date: Feb. 8, 2023

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 CET

For registration, please click (then go to registration).

2023/01/10: Unified Korea?

Conference: Challenges and Opportunities for the Unified Korea?

Ms. Mireia Paulo participated in the international seminar.